2 items by slingerauto1

Schwin 26 inch womens Ranger 2.6 FS The Villages Florida

Schwin 26 inch womens Ranger 2.6 FS

Between CR466 & CR466A $50.00 (posted 64 days ago)

21 speed womens Schwin bicycle. Very good condition. 

KneeRover Hybrid All Terrain  Knee Scooter The Villages Florida

KneeRover Hybrid All Terrain Knee Scooter

Between CR466 & CR466A $75.00 (posted 71 days ago)

KneeRover Hybrib all terrian Knee Scooter. Pneumatic front 9 in. tires, (important!) Optional deluxe faux sheepskin kneepad cover with thick


Between CR466 & CR466A