3 items by Skunky1

Lamps The Villages Florida


Between CR466 & CR466A $20.00 (posted 425 days ago)

19″ tall. Great for the bedroom or den. 772-342-2641

Wood Canes The Villages Florida

Wood Canes

Between CR466 & CR466A $8.00 (posted 536 days ago)

Wood walking canes $8 each. Great for use as a cane or decoration. 40 canes to choose from!

44 Caliber Black Powder Cap and Ball Revolver/Will Trade

Between CR466 & CR466A $225.00 (posted 691 days ago)

F. Lli Pietta 44 Caliber Black Powder Cap and Ball Revolver. Vintage 1974, according to markings. Comes with wood case,


Between CR466 & CR466A