11 items by ronandjoyceo

Hard Sided Golf Travel Bag The Villages Florida

Hard Sided Golf Travel Bag

Between CR466 & CR466A $30.00 (posted 25 days ago)

This hard Sided travel bag is in excellent condition.  It has wheels for ease of movement.  Call Ron at 352-446-1188.

Entry Way Table The Villages Florida

Entry Way Table

Between CR466 & CR466A $20.00 (posted 30 days ago)

Sturdy Entry way table.  Call Ron at 352-446-1188

Giant 12 Speed 26 Inch  Men’s   Bike The Villages Florida

Giant 12 Speed 26 Inch Men’s Bike

Between CR466 & CR466A $35.00 (posted 31 days ago)

This bike is in good shape and ready to ride.  Call Ron at 352-446-1188.

Roto Zip Spiral Saw The Villages Florida

Roto Zip Spiral Saw

Between CR466 & CR466A $40.00 (posted 56 days ago)

Used but in good shape, Model SCS 01.  Call Ron at 352-446-1188.  Many Power Tools.

DeWalt Pneumatic 15 Ga Nail gun The Villages Florida

DeWalt Pneumatic 15 Ga Nail gun

Between CR466 & CR466A $110.00 (posted 56 days ago)

This nail gun has been used but is in excellent condition.  ModelDWFP72155 Call Ron 352-446-1188.  Many other Tools.

Ryobi Circular Skill Saw The Villages Florida

Ryobi Circular Skill Saw

Between CR466 & CR466A $30.00 (posted 56 days ago)

This saw is in excellent condition.Call  Ron at 352-446-1188.  Many other tools for sale.

Generic Tool Set The Villages Florida

Generic Tool Set

Between CR466 & CR466A $30.00 (posted 56 days ago)

No missing pieces.  No brand name.  Call Ron at 352-4466-1188.  Many other Tools.

Never Used Bosch Transit and Stand The Villages Florida

Never Used Bosch Transit and Stand

Between CR466 & CR466A $150.00 (posted 56 days ago)

This transit has never been used.  Call Ron at 352-446=1188  Many other tools for sale.

Bosch Transit and Stand The Villages Florida

Bosch Transit and Stand

Between CR466 & CR466A $125.00 (posted 57 days ago)

This transit ha never been used.Call Ron at 352-466-1188,  Many more tools.

Bauer Heavy Duty Hammer Drill and Bits The Villages Florida

Bauer Heavy Duty Hammer Drill and Bits

Between CR466 & CR466A $99.00 (posted 57 days ago)

This drill is in good condition and includes 5 cement bits.  Call Ron at 252-446-1188

Coleman 6250Generatr The Villages Florida

Coleman 6250Generatr

Between CR466 & CR466A $475.00 (posted 57 days ago)

This generator has very low hours and is  very easy to start. Call Ron at 352-446-1188  Many other items. Tools


Between CR466 & CR466A