2 items by megwiltshire

Teapot, sugar bowl, & creamer – Butterfly Meadow by Lenox The Villages Florida

Teapot, sugar bowl, & creamer – Butterfly Meadow by Lenox

Between CR466 & CR466A $75.00 (posted 53 days ago)

Lenox teapot and sugar and creamer – $75.00(Butterfly Meadow pattern) Please contact Diane at 937-684-0369.

Haviland China Set –  Bergere pattern The Villages Florida

Haviland China Set – Bergere pattern

Between CR466 & CR466A $160.00 (posted 53 days ago)

Haviland china (Bergere pattern) – six place settings – $160.00 for the set  Each place setting consists  of a dinner


South of CR466A